Saturday, November 30, 2013

Fast Times at Douglas High

We’re back in Gardnerville for most of the winter (although we do have a couple of side trips planned during that time), and my baby sister (she’s the youngest of 11) texted and asked if we wanted to go to the Douglas High School football game Friday night.  Douglas was playing their arch rival, Carson High School.  But more importantly, her daughter (my niece) would be performing at half-time with the Douglas Marching Band for the last time at home (this was Douglas’ last home game of the season).  Of course we said, “YES!” 

It’s been over six years since we’ve been to a high school football game.  When John lived with us he attended El Segundo High School and was on their football team.  That meant we went to every home game.  We had so much fun and it was a sad day when he graduated and was no longer on the football team.

DISCLAIMER:  Photos taken with my phone camera!

So off we go to the Friday Night Lights high school frenzy at Douglas High.  62 years or older?  You get in freeeeeeeee … yeah baby!!  My sister saved us seats which was a good thing because the stands (on the Douglas side) were packed to overflowing.

The Marching Band at Douglas High School isn’t just “any old band.”  This marching band has won first place in over nine competitions.  We watched them at half time, and really, they were amazing.  They did a great Elvis tribute.

It was almost like déjà vu to our own high school years (and that was a very, very, very long time ago) being at the game.  When was the last time you watched high school cheerleaders perform?  Well, it’s been an awfully long time for us, too (as I mentioned six years) and I had forgotten how much more “simple” all their moves are in comparison to even junior college.  Here’s a picture of the cheerleaders.  They had the JV and Varsity cheerleaders performing together for the first half.  The JV had white bows in their hair and the Varsity had orange bows.

Here’s a photo of the football teams on the field.  The Douglas High Tigers are in grey and orange and Carson is in white.  In the middle of this photo is the Tiger mascot and on the right are a few of the cheerleaders before it got so cold they had to put their sweats on … and it did get cold.

Here I am with my niece, Heather.  She plays the clarinet.  She’s such a sweet girl and very musically talented.  Sharon, that’s the red scarf you made for me last Christmas J.
We left at the end of the third quarter with the game tied 13-13.  We were cold and the dogs had been left behind in the motorhome on their own recognizance.  Time was slowly slipping by for their next potty break.  We learned the next day that sadly, in overtime, the Tigers lost to their crosstown rivals 19-13.  I guess not every Tiger story has a happy ending.

Psalms 150:3-6 // Praise Him with trumpet sound; praise Him with harp and lyre.  Praise Him with timbrel and dancing; praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe. Praise Him with loud cymbals; praise Him with resounding cymbals.  Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.  Praise the LORD!

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