Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dockweiler Beach--our short-term home-away-from home!

So, we are almost through escrow. House was tented last weekend for termites and we needed somewhere to go with the dogs to get away. Dockweiler Beach it was. Gary secured us a front row space for four days and here we are. Great hook-ups, nice view, but lots of LAX noise since the campground happens to be directly under the takeoff path! We will end up back here for my last five working days at Toyota since our one-month rent-back ends before my last day at work. Jealous yet?




  1. You lucky people. So your house is already sold? Not bad. Now you will be like Elaine, doing what you want to.


  2. Luck had very little to do with working for Toyota for 30 years!
