Monday, June 10, 2013

30 Years ... out with the old ... in with the new!

I spent 30 years of my adult life working at Toyota Motor Sales USA and now I'm ready to close that book and start a new and even better one--one that brings me into a more fulfilling time of my life ... retirement! 

You often ask the question, "Am I really ready to retire?"  It wasn't all that long ago (maybe one to two years) that I thought I would probably have to work until I was 70.  But some casual conversation with someone who was already planning her retirement spurred me to seriously consider the possibility of my retirement.  So, I started the research and found that it really wasn't as remote as I thought ... just not in California where the taxes and housing  prices are too prohibitive. 

Thankfully, Gary and I have always been planning to move to Gardnerville, NV where I have three sisters already, so the thought of leaving California (which some consider blasphemy) was not a traumatic thought ... instead it was a tantalizing dream on the verge of coming true.

It took over six months of thinking and considering if I was really ready to retire.  Truth is, I wasn't!  But with Gary seven years older than me, I knew that the time was right and I needed to do this so we could actually realize our dream of traveling the US in our RV.  So, I made the decision, turned a corner and then had the epiphany that I am so much more than what I do at Toyota.  That my job at Toyota does NOT define who I am as a person.  I a am so much more than that.  That was a defining moment--a great thought to grasp and take hold of.  It allowed me to let go of the false definition and take hold of my future with Gary on the road.


It was 1983, but it seems like just yesterday I was hired and started selling service equipment to dealers.  Can you imagine doing that with absolutely no automotive experience?  Me neither!  But that sure was a fun learning experience.  I took a lot of golf lessons, played at some amazing courses, stayed at some beautiful resorts, and all the time I was learning the service business ... and I fell in love with it!

I also had the golden opportunity to transfer into the Lexus division in 1988--one year before the first Lexus landed in the U.S.  What a ride!  That happened to be one of my most stressful times at Toyota, starting up the new division.  We worked LONG, HARD hours (before there was overtime, of course) and I watched Lexus go from question mark to benchmark.  It was truly an amazing experience and we had an amazing team in that division.  We had a vision, we had a leader, and we all were headed in the same direction ... and I was there to experience it firsthand. 

Twelve years later I was automatically grafted into the University of Toyota when it was first birthed.  I worked on developing curriculum for Lexus dealers and then Toyota dealers.  When it was time to develop a way in which we could determine what kind of impact our curriculum was having on dealer employees (did the learning actually transfer to their job), I was there to start a whole new department--Measurement & Evaluation.  I spent the next three years learning how to create surveys and evaluate the responses so that we could determine if the curriculum was helping people to make change.  My manager, Gusti Lowenberg, spurred me on by volunteering me and my team to conduct studies in different divisions in the company.  We even had one of our major studies published in an industry book on measuring the return on training investment!

With a change of management, it was time for me a make a change too.  I transferred back to my roots in Dealer Operations, and it was while I was there, working for Steve Reynolds, and with the unbelievable guidance and assistance of Jeff Harbaugh and Sharon Whitson, that we developed the very critical and much needed Toyota Express Maintenance program that is now in over 270 dealers across the country ... and very successful!  A special thank you to Jeff, who has been a mentor for me for a very long time.  And a special thank you to Sharon who has been an amazing friend--my best friend at work!

Can you hear that book of my life closing?  It should be making a very loud noise!  That's because it's now time for the most important work ever, with my husband, traveling around the western United States and looking for opportunities to touch people's lives, pray with them, and give them hope.

Thank you again to all my work friends.  You are the ones who helped me get through the tough times (and there were tough times) and to make it 30 wonderful years!
Left to right:  Mike Buffalin (my manager), me, and Joe Stempkowski (my national manager)
Gary, me and Joe Stempkowski


  1. Congratulations on 30 years! I really enjoyed reading about your history at Toyota. I never knew!

  2. I am honored to have a special call out, as I have felt very blessed to have had the privilege to know you and work with you for 13 years. You have been a very welcome influence in my life, both personal and professional. Great travels too...remember how we drove from SF to LA and I missed the 405 turn off from the 5 cause we were changing up TXM for the 6 hour ride home? And you introduced me to the jewelry district (not sure my budget was happy about that!) Thanks for everything and I mean everything!

  3. Such a great read, Judy! Congratulations again, and I look forward to keeping up with you and Gary's travelogue. An Irish Blessing:

    "May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, may the rain fall softly upon your fields and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand..."
